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Assistant Pastor - Serve as a right hand to the senior pastor and shall assist in carrying out the ministry of the church.  Assuming the pastoral role in senior pastor's absence; inreach through building relationships with members while ministering to their spiritual needs and obtaining help for their physical needs when needed; and outreach to assimilate new corners and visitors into the body of the church.


Deacon Ministry - Responsible for ministering to the needs of the church members and offering support to the pastor. Follow up on the sick, hospitalized or shut-in members; visit and contact them regularly, pray for and with church members experiencing hardships or needing to make decisions.  Visit and offer emotional/spiritual support to grieving members.  Report special needs to the pastor, congregational care pastor, benevolence committee or other appropriate person.  Remain in contact with prayer-group leaders regarding special prayer needs. Rejoice with/congratulate members on special accomplishments and events.  Prayer regularly for the leaders of the church.









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We believe that the true Church is composed of all persons who are regenerated by the Holy Spirit through saving faith in Jesus Christ; that they are united together in the body of Christ of which He is Lord and Head.


(Acts 2:42, 47; Romans 12:5; Ephesians 1:22-23, 5:23-24)




1131 S. Scullin Ave
Denison, Texas 75020


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